Munin & Munin-node


I followed the library guide on configuring Munin and Munin-node at ~~[" target="_blank">]( … -6-squeeze">](, for displaying my general VPS statistics, but whenever I visit the URL for the statistics page it says "permission is denied to access / on this server", can I please have help me fix this.

5 Replies

What path did you specify for your virtualhost? Was it this?

> DocumentRoot /var/cache/munin/www

Make sure that your webserver user (www-data) has read access to that location.

Yes I did specify that directory as the virtualhost DocumentRoot.

How would i go about changing the permissions so that the webserver user (www-data) has read access to that location?


chmod and/or chown. chmod changes permissions, probably just need to set the directories to 755 and files to 644 and that'll should be enough, so long as permissions are similar for the entire path. chown changes ownership.

Wait a second, I just looked at my install and while, I redirected to munin where to put it's files, the installer for on Debian still created the /var/cache/munin/www directories and looking at that right off the bat, it looks like permissions should be fine.

I'd double check that files are in fact in that location to be served up first and that munin is functioning. I recall following that tutorial and got it working.

I am sorry to say that it still comes up with the 403 Forbidden error, even with your recommended chmod permissions, is there any thing else that could be causing the problem, as by looking at the log files everything is working correctly.

I have also had a look at the apache2 error log and it says:

> client denied by server configuration

So that would suggest the vhost file is wrong but looking at it

> ServerAdmin


DocumentRoot /var/cache/munin/www

Options FollowSymLinks

AllowOverride None

LogLevel notice

CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined

ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log

ServerSignature On

there appears to be nothing wrong with it, as it was copied from the tutorial and modified to suit my needs.

Any other thoughs would be appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.


After experimenting with various configurations, all there appears that needs to be in the '' config section is 'allow from all', I would suggest adding this to the library page if anyone using the library page gets errors accessing the Munin output.



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