postfix and dovecot issues

Hi all,

I re-installed dovecot along with postfix a while back following the linode library article, hoping it would solve a couple problems I'd been having. However, it didn't seem to.

Basically, I'll start with one problem first, as I can't test any other problems until this is resolved. I can't seem to send mail to any users on my system. I don't get an error mailed back for most of the domains under my control, but one in particular ( sends back "no such user…" whenever I send email to it, although I know it's in the table -- I've checked many times. The others just silently don't get received. I've checked using squirrel mail -- as I can't use any external clients, it's kind of hard to test -- but squirrel mail doesn't seem to be seeing anything new. Logs for two domains ( first, then another domain that doesn't bounce):

Apr 21 00:42:55 mtgames postfix/qmgr[25927]: EA0F3290AB: from=<>, size=3904, nrcpt=1 (queue active)

Apr 21 00:42:55 mtgames postfix/trivial-rewrite[18933]: warning: do not list domain in BOTH mydestination and virtualmailboxdomains

Apr 21 00:42:55 mtgames postfix/local[18940]: EA0F3290AB: to=<>, relay=local, delay=7.1, delays=7/0.05/0/0.02, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (unknown user: "webmaster")

Apr 21 00:42:55 mtgames postfix/cleanup[18939]: 4CD6529151: message-id=<>

Apr 21 00:42:55 mtgames postfix/bounce[18941]: EA0F3290AB: sender non-delivery notification: 4CD6529151

Apr 21 00:42:55 mtgames postfix/qmgr[25927]: 4CD6529151: from=<>, size=5632, nrcpt=1 (queue active)

Apr 21 00:42:55 mtgames postfix/qmgr[25927]: EA0F3290AB: removed

Apr 21 00:42:55 mtgames postfix/smtp[18942]: 4CD6529151: to=<>,[]:25, delay=0.5, delays=0.03/0.03/0.17/0.27, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250<> Queued mail

for delivery)

Apr 21 00:42:55 mtgames postfix/qmgr[25927]: 4CD6529151: removed

Apr 21 00:39:50 mtgames postfix/smtpd[18777]: connect from[]

Apr 21 00:39:51 mtgames postfix/smtpd[18777]: E11E6290AB:[]

Apr 21 00:39:51 mtgames postfix/cleanup[18758]: E11E6290AB: message-id=<SNT144-ds47D061DB4B9E84ED0FC07FC920@phx.gbl>

Apr 21 00:39:51 mtgames postfix/qmgr[25927]: E11E6290AB: from=<>, size=3903, nrcpt=1 (queue active)

Apr 21 00:39:51 mtgames postfix/smtpd[18777]: disconnect from[]

Apr 21 00:39:51 mtgames postfix/virtual[18785]: E11E6290AB: to=<>, relay=virtual, delay=0.52, delays=0.13/0.23/0/0.16, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to maildir)

Apr 21 00:39:51 mtgames postfix/qmgr[25927]: E11E6290AB: removed

As you can see, it looks like the second one got there, but looking in the /home/vmail directory for and webmaster, the latest has a timestamp of around February 26. This shows the same thing that squirrel mail showed.

Any help is appreciated.



1 Reply


warning: do not list domain in BOTH mydestination and virtualmailboxdomains
Fix this. You can't use virtual delivery on a domain listed in mydestination. Most likely you want to remove the domain in question from mydestination.

> As you can see, it looks like the second one got there, but looking in the /home/vmail directory for and webmaster, the latest has a timestamp of around February 26.
Add a "-v" to the end of the virtual line in like so: virtual unix - n n - - virtual -v
Restart postfix and your logs will tell you more than you ever wanted to know about how it decided where to put that message.


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