OT - Linode like windows virtual server


I am looking for a windows virtual server with solid service like linode. can you guys recommended any ISP?

My requirement is

20GB HDD with 2 GB RAM …



6 Replies


windows virtual server with solid service

:roll: Good luck with that.



I do not think that word means what you think it means.

Have you looked at what Azure has to offer? I know team of guys using Microsoft's Azure platform and they are quite happy with it.

I guess it really depends on what you're doing though.

EDIT: Never mind, company didn't do Windows hosting like I thought they did.

This is the perhaps company you are after, though it's expensive. You'll probably pay $200 or more a month for what you described:



do not think that word means what you think it means.

It's a perfectly valid use of the term. Are these companies not providing internet services?

http://www.maximumasp.com/products/clou … fault.aspx">http://www.maximumasp.com/products/cloudServers/default.aspx


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