[RUBY] Sync cPanel DNS zones with Linode DNS
Here is a Ruby script that will create slave zones on Linode's DNS server pointing to your Linode's IP address. It is very basic, but gets the job done. If you are running many websites on your cPanel install, I'd recommend optimizing it.
This script will remove all DNS zones on Linode that do not already exist in cPanel.
Make sure you have the Gems necessary:
gem install linode lumberg
Create the file /scripts/rebuildlinodezones including your Linode and cPanel API keys:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# => gem install linode lumberg
require 'lumberg'
require 'linode'
# Configuration information
# Server IP
IP = `hostname -i`
# Connect to frameworks
cpanel = Lumberg::Whm::Server.new(:host => '', :hash => CPANEL_KEY)
linode = Linode.new(:api_key => LINODE_KEY)
# Finds all DNS zones in cPanel/Linode
linode_zones = cpanel.dns.list_zones[:params]
cpanel_zones = linode.domain.list
# Iterate over each DNS Zone in Linode
linode_zones.each do |lin|
# Find any zones in cPanel with a matching domain
result = cpanel_zones.select { |cpl| cpl.domain == lin[:domain] }
# If there aren't any matches, create the zone in Linode
if result.count < 1 then
linode.domain.create(:domain => lin[:domain], :type => "slave", :master_ips => IP)
# Finds all DNS zones in cPanel/Linode
linode_zones = cpanel.dns.list_zones[:params]
cpanel_zones = linode.domain.list
# Iterate over each cPanel DNS Zone
cpanel_zones.each do |cpl|
# Find any Linode zones with the same domain
result = linode_zones.select { |lin| lin[:domain] == cpl.domain }
# If there aren't any matches, delete the zone from Linode
if result.count < 1 then
linode.domain.delete(:domainid => cpl.domainid)
Make sure it's executable:
chmod +x /scripts/rebuildlinodezones
Make sure you have named.conf setup to allow Linode nameservers to AXFR:
allow-transfer {;;;;;;;;
I currently set up this script to run from these hooks to automate the zone creation:
(NOTE: You should probably rewrite the script to selectively add and delete zones rather than completely rebuilding all entries, as this is pretty inefficient but gets the job done)
ln -s /scripts/rebuildlinodezones /scripts/postwwwacct
ln -s /scripts/rebuildlinodezones /scripts/postkillacct
ln -s /scripts/rebuildlinodezones /usr/local/cpanel/hooks/addondomain/addaddondomain
ln -s /scripts/rebuildlinodezones /usr/local/cpanel/hooks/addondomain/deladdondomain
ln -s /scripts/rebuildlinodezones /usr/local/cpanel/hooks/subdomain/addsubdomain
ln -s /scripts/rebuildlinodezones /usr/local/cpanel/hooks/subdomain/delsubdomain
ln -s /scripts/rebuildlinodezones /usr/local/cpanel/hooks/park/park
ln -s /scripts/rebuildlinodezones /usr/local/cpanel/hooks/park/unpark
After creating the hooks, be sure to run:
Now you'll have Linode's DNS server automatically update whenever you create or destroy a DNS zone on your cPanel server! Cool! I even set up my custom nameservers to point to the Linode IPs so it appears as if I'm running my own redundant and highly available nameservers
(of course anyone curious enough will be able to figure out they're hosted at Linode)
9 Replies
There is a small problem though, i cant run 2 of the ln lines cause they dont exist on my cpanel install.
ln -s /scripts/rebuildlinodezones /usr/local/cpanel/hooks/addondomain/addaddondomain
ln -s /scripts/rebuildlinodezones /usr/local/cpanel/hooks/addondomain/deladdondomain
Thanks again,
EDIT: Dont worry, im an idiot
Needed to make the addondomain dir, now it works like a charm!
Perhaps it's something that could be included in the Linode library so that it doesn't get lost over time?
If you add or delete a DNS zone directly from the zone editor in cPanel, it won't be deleted in Linode. This is because zones are only created on Linode when you create domains. I couldn't find any hooks specifically for DNS zones creation or deletion.
Ideally the script would only make changes to the specific zone in question, rather than modifying every Linode zone when one cPanel zone is modified. This would allow you to create custom zones in Linode that don't correlate to cPanel.
It's still mighty useful. I would prefer that I didn't use Ruby though since it's sort of a niche language and not many people will have it installed on their server.
Like I said if you have any problems or requests with this, let me know
And thank you, by the way
unfortunately having a few errors to do with Type Errors
Symbol as array index (TypeError)
currently got: ruby 1.8.7 (2011-02-18 patchlevel 334) [x86_64-linux]
on a 4gb box running centos5.6 with cpanel
initially i was getting these errors:
/scripts/rebuildlinodezones:8:in `require': no such file to load -- lumberg (LoadError)
but then by running this:````
export RUBYOPT=rubygems
i got past that and then stuck at````
/scripts/rebuildlinodezones:36:in `[]': Symbol as array index (TypeError)
from /scripts/rebuildlinodezones:36
from /scripts/rebuildlinodezones:30:in `each'
from /scripts/rebuildlinodezones:30
does anyone have any updated version that works with current versions of the gems?
I have gone through all of these setup steps but unfortunately nothing gets updated in the Linode DNS when I create a new account in WHM.
I've gone over everything several times just to check but nothing stands out. I don't see any errors when I add a new account either.
When you insert the WHM Remote Access Key do you remove the returns after each line so its one long string?
The only other thing of note is when I look at Ruby in WHM (Software >> Module Installers >> Ruby) i see > !!!! At this time Rails 3.0 is not supported and can cause a broken ruby/rails environment. !!!!
OS Centos 5.6
ruby 1.8.7
Rails 2.3.12
linode 0.7.5
lumberg 1.0.0
Is there a way to test the script?
Many thanks,
I ran /scripts/rebuildlinodezones SSH and found this -
/scripts/rebuildlinodezones:8:in `require': no such file to load -- lumberg (LoadError)
So I applied anthonysomerset's fix
export RUBYOPT=rubygems
and it now works!