Largest Linode

I've been a satisfied customer of yours since I got my first Linode 64 many years ago. Since then, I don't even entertain the idea of running a dedicated server because I enjoy so much not concerning myself with hardware.

I'm working on an application now that will include a very large database and I'm afraid it may eventually require more RAM and disk than offered by your largest VPS (20G RAM, 640GB disk). Amazon's largest VPS is 64GB RAM, which would be sufficient, but I prefer your service because of your great support among other things. Do you have any plans to offer a larger VPS in the next 1-2 years?


2 Replies

Have you considered horizontal scaling?


I'm working on an application now that will include a very large database and I'm afraid it may eventually require more RAM and disk than offered by your largest VPS (20G RAM, 640GB disk). Amazon's largest VPS is 64GB RAM, which would be sufficient, but I prefer your service because of your great support among other things. Do you have any plans to offer a larger VPS in the next 1-2 years?


I suggest you send an email or open a support ticket on this. I've seen staff state before that they're happy to work with people on other larger options on an as needed basis.


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