Network unreachable - After VPS went down
I then proceeded to restore my Weekly backup and see if that one would come up ok. Unfortionatly this didn't help neither.
Since neither eth0 nor lo interfaces where comming up automatically (set to DHCP) I configured my interface as follows:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
this followed by a /etc/init.d/networking restart did nothing
If I try pinging the linode gateway (as shown on my "remote access" tab) I simply get
connect: Network is unreachable
Anyone care to shed some light on this issue please ?
6 Replies
If that still fails, next thing to check is for any iptable rules.
I rebooted the linode and none of the interfaces came up on their own.
I've already got a support ticket upen as well though.
kern.log messages I'm getting is:
eth0: no IPv6 Routers present
when bringing the interface up.
Nothing else is syslog, messages or otherwise that I know off.
ifconfig eth0 netmask up
route add default gw
If that doesn't restore connectivity, it's very likely your iptable rules.
that did it.
care to enlighten me whats different from you doing it and what I have in my config ? the only difference I could see is the route, but shouldn't that "automatically" be discovered ?
care to enlighten me whats different from you doing it and what I have in my config ? the only difference I could see is the route, but shouldn't that "automatically" be discovered ?
Nope, not in ipv4 (at least by default). The "gateway" line in your /etc/network/interfaces and the associated init scripts should have taken care of this for you. Are you sure the default route wasn't already there?
Since this worked, the problem is in your configuration - I'd guess /etc/network/interfaces, or how it's being invoked, needs further scrutiny.
Glad I could help.
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
Have to manually bring the interface up and invoke dhclient
ifconfig eth0 up; dhclient eth0
and then everything works fine. I don't know what caused this, for me or for Entity_Razer, it doesn't sound like he made any system wide changes that would have caused this, and I don't reject that my dist-upgrade could have caused something to go pear shaped but this is too similar for me to discount both cases being related.
Edit: Ended up changing /etc/network/interfaces
auto eth0
allow-hotplug eth0
and then adding
dhclient eth0
to /etc/rc.local