Getting Virtual hosts working apache2 / rh9

After much stuffing around with ssl.conf and various other configs, i finally got virtual hosts to work..

I kept getting the error

[error] VirtualHost default:443 – mixing * ports and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported, proceeding with undefined results

there seems to be a heap of people out there getting this error, so here is my solution, which works for me……

In the end I didnt need to touch the ssl.conf file, just leave that as is.

in your httpd.conf do the following.


NameVirtualHost *:80

NameVirtualHost *:433


DocumentRoot /var/www/html

ServerName li-*

ErrorLog /var/www/html/virtual/logs/error_log

CustomLog /var/www/html/virtual/logs/access_log common


DocumentRoot /var/www/html/virtual/site1/html


ServerAlias *

ErrorLog /var/www/html/virtual/site1/logs/error_log

CustomLog /var/www/html/virtual/site1/logs/access_log common


Hope it helps someone…

1 Reply

I just use webmin ( which can handle apache virtual servers fine, if you install the apache module.


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