Diagnostics of website failure for only some users


I run a regular Apache + mod_wsgi + nginx website on my Linode and encountered a strange problem. The website works fine from my computer and also from our managers' one (who use a different Internet provider). However, some of our website users report to managers that they can't open it in their browser, for a long time period, while at the same moment it worked from my computer and managers'.

The question is: how should I do the diagnostics (if this bug is even my fault) and what bug should I look for if it is impossible for me (even if I wanted to) to go to the problematic user and do the diagnostics from their computer? I appreciate if you could help :)

1 Reply

Getting a decent error message instead of "they can't open it" would be a a good idea, do they get connection failed, 404 errors, you could also ask for their ip and check your web logs to see if they're getting any hits.

Of course seeing their screen would be the easiest way to test the error so if you can remote into their computer you'll find it easier.


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