How much it easy to host a blog with Linode

I am not a linode customer but wanted to be. I don't have any experience with linode or any VPS (either maintained or unmaintained). On the same time I also don't have enough experience with linux.

I have recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop and don't have any major problem, till now. Since most stuff are working perfectly.

So, How much easy to host my blog to Linode? My blog is currently hosted on shared hosting.

A blog hosted on Linode suggested me to stay away from Linode because some time it need extra effort and knowledge to run it smoothly.. He has no problem with the service provided by you except the thing mentioned above.

6 Replies

If you have the will and time to learn a bit you won't look back, the community can give you some hand holding if you need it, however if you're expecting a click, setup and forget system then you'd be better off with a manage service (maybe).


I have recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop

Cool, so you're willing to play with Linux. Are you the kind of person who likes to tweak things for fun and experiment with new programs? If so, you're already a Linoder in the making.

One way to find out what to expect is to try and install a web server on your on Ubuntu laptop, using nothing but Terminal. The desktop edition and the server edition behave more or less the same except that the latter doesn't come with a purple-gray GUI. You just apt-get install whatever you need, such as apache2, php5, and mysql-server, and use nano, vi, or emacs to edit configuration files. If you can make a copy of your site work on localhost, you can probably make it work on a Linode. In the meantime, read up on security.

Regarding editors, for a newbie I suggest nano, it's simple and intuitive. After a while you can try emacs/vim which are far more powerful.

Thanks to all who have replied here. :D

Anybody else who can say more.. :idea:


I am not a linode customer but wanted to be. I don't have any experience with linode or any VPS (either maintained or unmaintained). On the same time I also don't have enough experience with linux.

I have recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop and don't have any major problem, till now. Since most stuff are working perfectly.

So, How much easy to host my blog to Linode? My blog is currently hosted on shared hosting.

A blog hosted on Linode suggested me to stay away from Linode because some time it need extra effort and knowledge to run it smoothly.. He has no problem with the service provided by you except the thing mentioned above.

You should ask yourself how easy it was for you to switch from Windows to Ubuntu on your laptop. Yes it was a bit weird at start but the more time passes the more comfortable you become.

To setup your blog on linode is exactly the same thing. You need to put the extra effort in to become comfortable with it.

You can sign up for a linode vps. Once you log in your account you can deploy an environment on your VPS using StackScripts. You will see the link on the right after you have selected the location where you want your VPS to reside. In StackScripts section you can select the linode LAMP stack. Once that is deployed you have a fully functional LAMP box.

Reboot, log in the box using SSH and start setting up. You can upload the files of your blog using FileZilla (using SSH should be just fine) and upload your database in mysql. Numerous guides exist on the Internet regarding these tasks.

Once those are done and your blog resources (database/files) are in your linode, you will need to change the DNS pointer of your blog to the Linode IP address.

That's it.

It takes time and patience. If you are not willing to dedicate some of that to this project, then you won't be successful.


Thanks to all of you!! I really liked this forum also Linode!!


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