Redhat8 to Linode


I have two questions here :

Q1. I am trying to install redhat8 on vbox4. and found that redhat8 doesn't support SATA drive, So how can i install redhat8 on SATA drive ? I can add a new IDE controller and install redhat8 But.

Q2. Does IDE drive supported by Linode. If i follow this process " … r_vm_image">" will it work for Linode ?



5 Replies

Umm, is there any particular reason you're trying to install an ancient version of a dead distribution? It's not even the latest version of the old RedHad distro. It also hasn't received updates in years, and is horribly insecure, and likely to lead to much rooting.

If you want to install the latest version of the RedHat lineage, that'd be either Fedora 14 (Fedora having directly replaced the RedHat desktop distribution, and has had 14 major releases since RedHat 9), or the latest CentOS (CentOS being a free version of RedHat Enterprise Linux).

Yes, there is a specific reason for that. I am trying to install FCS 1.5 (Flash Colleboration Service), which supports only Redhat 7.3 & 8.0. I tried to install it on Centos5.4, But couldn't succeed.



Why would you install a Collaboration Service? Do you mean Flex Server?

I'd be very surprised if you could get a 2.4 kernel working with Virtualbox much less compiled with pv-grub. Then you'll have to contend with a 10-year-old OS with no updates. Don't do it.

Ok, i tried to install redhat8 on vmware player and succeed. But now i want to migrate / upload that vm to Linode.

My installation Details :

Three partitions : /boot , / and SWAP

Now i can try this : … r_vm_image">

But still i am not sure that it will work, Because i don't think that redhat8 will support 2.6 kernel and there is no support for 2.4 kernel in Linode.

This will not work. Linode's Xen implementation requires specific functionality in the guest kernel which was not added until sometime around 2.6.25.

Additionally, Red Hat Linux 8.0 must not be used on the public Internet – it has not received any bug fixes or security patches since December 31, 2003.

Your best bet would be to contact Adobe and ask them about upgrading to a more recent version. They probably don't fix or support your version any more, either.


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