Best way to structure my folders?
I recently figured got LAMP and phpMyAdmin working, so now I've been playing around with hosting configurations.
I came to Linode from shared hosting, and I want to structure the files similar to how they did.
I would like to be able to have a user account ("dan", for example) as I would with shared hosting. That account would only have access to the home folder. Inside the home folder would be the /public_html and /log folders where "dan" has access to all of the folders (read, write, and execute).
I know I can just change the virtual folder to point to /home/dan/publichtml/sitename/, but the LAMP installation guide recommends /srv/www/
How do web hosts normally structure it? Also, how would I deal with permissions so that "dan" can read, write, and execute the files even if they're not actually in his home folder?
Many thanks!
1 Reply
If you're the only one on your server don't worry about making it look like a shared host, if you are going to have others accessing that you don't trust you'll want to check out
And I'd suggest restricting users to their home folder and setting the virtual hosts to /home/%u/www