IO: Wait - where to start investigating


We recently moved one of our dedicated servers to a Linode 4096 and the performance was great for the past week or two, with the site having a load average of less than 0.10 during the day and down to 0.05 in the evening.

This evening, the load is up to 0.50 under the same level of user activity (we've not had a traffic spike or anything)

So I'm wondering where we start investigating what's increasing the load.

This is what collectl -10 -sCDN reports

#   Cpu  User Nice  Sys Wait IRQ  Soft Steal Idle
      0     3    0    1    0    0    0     0   94
      1     0    0    0    0    0    0     0   99
      2     0    0    0    0    0    0     0   98
      3     0    0    0    0    0    0     0   99

#          <---------reads---------><---------writes---------><--------averages--------> Pct
#Name       KBytes Merged  IOs Size  KBytes Merged  IOs Size  RWSize  QLen  Wait SvcTim Util
xvda             1      0    0    4      67      5   12    6       5     0    79      3    4
xvdb             0      0    0    0       0      0    0    0       0     0     0      0    0

As you can see the CPU is doing pretty much nothing, but there's wait on the (non-swap) disk. The site is serving perhaps 1-2 pages a second. Conversely another smaller Linode server delivering 20+ banner ads per second has zero wait.

Here's the output of top:

top - 08:53:16 up 19:01,  4 users,  load average: 0.63, 0.69, 0.99
Tasks: 113 total,   1 running, 112 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.3%us,  0.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 86.1%id, 13.4%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   4194508k total,  1791364k used,  2403144k free,   149148k buffers
Swap:   262136k total,   104808k used,   157328k free,   430576k cached

  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND                                                                
 8803 mysql     15   0  717m 214m 4284 S  0.3  5.2  27:00.06 mysqld                                                                 
16741 nobody    16   0  521m  94m 4752 S  0.3  2.3   0:01.24 httpd                                                                  
15766 nobody    16   0  524m  97m 4896 S  0.2  2.4   0:01.59 httpd                                                                  
16739 nobody    16   0  522m  94m 4756 S  0.2  2.3   0:00.56 httpd                                                                  
16740 nobody    16   0  522m  94m 4768 S  0.2  2.3   0:00.41 httpd                                                                  
15767 nobody    16   0  523m  95m 4888 S  0.1  2.3   0:01.82 httpd                                                                  
16375 nobody    16   0  522m  94m 4792 S  0.1  2.3   0:00.93 httpd                                                                  
17988 root      15   0 12744 1272  932 R  0.1  0.0   0:00.04 top                                                                    
    1 root      15   0 10348  188  160 S  0.0  0.0   0:09.98 init                                                                   
    2 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.24 migration/0                                                            
    3 root      34  19     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 ksoftirqd/0                                                            
    4 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.29 migration/1                                                            
    5 root      34  19     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 ksoftirqd/1     

Again, the CPU isn't doing much, and there's plenty of spare memory.

Do you know how I can find what process is associated with the disk wait ?

The server is running Centos 5.5, MySQL 5.5, Apache 2.2 + mod_perl.

Here's the my.cnf, SHOW PROCESSLIST just shows 12 connections (one for each httpd process)

key_buffer = 192M
table_cache = 512
sort_buffer_size = 2M
read_buffer_size = 1M
join_buffer_size = 1M
read_rnd_buffer_size = 4M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
thread_cache_size = 32
table_open_cache = 512

query_cache_type = 1
query_cache_size = 24M
query_cache_limit = 2M

max_heap_table_size = 56M
tmp_table_size = 48M

thread_concurrency = 8

Here's the httpd.conf, there are never more than 12-13 httpd processes, so it's not running out of those IMO.

  StartServers 10
  MinSpareServers 5
  MaxSpareServers 15
  MaxClients 45
  MaxRequestsPerChild 200

11 Replies


Maybe your scripts does something with disk? I don't know, well… maybe some previews generating (just for example).

Your mysql-settings looks very modest for 4096 RAM :)

key_buffer can be increased, if necessary (as minimum take 256M for this conf, as max - 1024M, but I doubt that it's necessary).

Also can be increased sortbuffersize, readbuffersize, querycachesize and querycachelimit (definitely).

This script:

can analyze your mysql values and give more concrete tips about tuning.

Or this one: … mance.html">

but I prefer first variant :)

Also, check error logs of Apache - maybe somebody parses your site for vulnerability.

Thanks for taking time to respond Oz

If it was that MySQL didn't have enough resources then surely the disks would be busy reading stuff that's not in memory.

My problem is that the CPU is idle, the disks are idle doing "waits"

I use all the time and it didn't have any suggestions that would relate to my problem (IMO)

Here's what it says

[–] Skipped version check for MySQLTuner script

[OK] Currently running supported MySQL version 5.5.8

[OK] Operating on 64-bit architecture

–------ Storage Engine Statistics -------------------------------------------

[–] Status: +Archive -BDB -Federated +InnoDB -ISAM -NDBCluster

[–] Data in MyISAM tables: 642M (Tables: 97)

[–] Data in InnoDB tables: 560K (Tables: 11)

[–] Data in PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA tables: 0B (Tables: 17)

[–] Data in MEMORY tables: 2M (Tables: 6)

[–] Data in SPHINX tables: 0B (Tables: 2)

[!!] Total fragmented tables: 24

–------ Performance Metrics -------------------------------------------------

[–] Up for: 18h 39m 43s (1M q [22.085 qps], 2K conn, TX: 4B, RX: 296M)

[–] Reads / Writes: 28% / 72%

[–] Total buffers: 408.0M global + 8.2M per thread (151 max threads)

[OK] Maximum possible memory usage: 1.6G (40% of installed RAM)

[OK] Slow queries: 0% (10/1M)

[OK] Highest usage of available connections: 12% (19/151)

[OK] Key buffer size / total MyISAM indexes: 192.0M/410.1M

[OK] Key buffer hit rate: 100.0% (465M cached / 117K reads)

[OK] Query cache efficiency: 32.2% (178K cached / 552K selects)

[!!] Query cache prunes per day: 26487

[OK] Sorts requiring temporary tables: 0% (0 temp sorts / 96K sorts)

[OK] Temporary tables created on disk: 8% (5K on disk / 58K total)

[OK] Thread cache hit rate: 99% (19 created / 2K connections)

[OK] Table cache hit rate: 96% (335 open / 346 opened)

[OK] Open file limit used: 34% (405/1K)

[OK] Table locks acquired immediately: 99% (1M immediate / 1M locks)

[OK] InnoDB data size / buffer pool: 560.0K/128.0M

Variables to adjust:

querycachesize (> 24M)

Having a querycachesize too small wouldn't result in IO waits.

> [OK] Key buffer size / total MyISAM indexes: 192.0M/410.1M Your buffer is smaller than indexes, set keybuffer to 512M > [OK] Query cache efficiency: 32.2% (178K cached / 552K selects) It's not 'OK', this value should be around 70-80%. > Having a querycache_size too small wouldn't result in IO waits. mmm…. not enough buffers/cache size it's reason for full scan of table, it's reading from disk.


> [OK] Key buffer size / total MyISAM indexes: 192.0M/410.1M
Your buffer is smallest than indexes, set keybuffer to 512M > Having a querycache_size too small wouldn't result in IO waits.
mmm…. not enough buffers/cache size it's reason for full scan of table, it's reading from disk.

To be sure I've now increased the keybuffersize but I'm inclined to think it's something else because prior to moving it to Linode the server had a 192MB setting for the last 3yrs without issue (and the dataset is the same size)

If it was a case of not enough buffers and it was reading from disk then I would expect to see the disks busy in "svctime", rather than "wait"

#          <---------reads---------><---------writes---------><--------averages--------> Pct 
#Name       KBytes Merged  IOs Size  KBytes Merged  IOs Size  RWSize  QLen  Wait SvcTim Util 
xvda             1      0    0    4      67      5   12    6       5     0    79      3    4 
xvdb             0      0    0    0       0      0    0    0       0     0     0      0    0 

I can't (and don't want) to argue, I can only make assumptions.

After changing values in my.cnf mysql should be restarted.

If reason not in mysql, check error_logs of apache.


I can't (and don't want) to argue, I can only make assumptions.

Your help is appreciated :D

I hope somebody else will help you more effectively.

As last advice: try to use 'iotop' to monitor IO using.

You might find that the utilities in the sysstat suite give you a clearer picture of what is going on.

I've raised a ticket with Linode support to see if they can investigate the suspected disk performance issue.

Here's an exerpt from iostat -x 10

Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rsec/s wsec/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await svctm %util
xvda 0.00 24.60 1.60 18.20 18.40 325.60 17.37 2.51 124.97 12.78 25.31
xvdb 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

As I understand it, await is the time to satisfy IO requests including the time service the request (svctm), and according to manpages await is supposed to be very close to svctm.

Looking at my iostat figures, await - svctm is up to 100ms, a long time.


Turns out it was some disk performance issue.

I contacted Linode. Within 5 minutes I had a reply asking for some IOSTAT information. After supplying that information I had another reply within 5 minutes saying an engineer was being dispatched to investigate.

I enquired whether it was possible to migrate my Linode to another physical server, and again had an almost immediate reply saying that my Linode had been configured for migration and I just needed to press the button to get the server moved.

20 minutes later my Linode was running on another machine perfectly.

iostat -x 10 for the new Linode is:

await: 1.29 svctm: 1.29

as you can see, the response time from the disk is now 1.29ms of which all is spend servicing the request.

Compare that with the old server which spent over 100ms "waiting" over and above the service time (svctm)

It is a shame more people haven't discovered collectl. When I wrote it I was annoyed by so many utilities, all with different switches and capabilities. It is good that exiges has seen the light!

The funny thing about monitoring is the data that collectl reports is identical to that of sysstat tools like sar, mpstat, iostat, etc, but in my opinion is much more readable. At least the columns for disk stats line up and if you try "collectl -sD –home", you'll see something more like 'top' format only for disks. If you've ever tried to use nfsstat, you'd immediately see the value in collectl for monitoring nfs servers/clients.

But it also does so much more, like making data available for plotting or loading into a spreadsheet PLUS it can collectl a whole lot more than just the basic stuff too.

The other real key is collectl can log to disk and play the data back, like sar, but again much more user friendly - at least in my opinion. Perhaps that's what some of the world's largest high performance clusters use it.



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