double the disk size on upgrades?


This might make me look at big cheap… but ohwell…

Just about to purchase a linode plan.. but was wondering the following..

Say i purchase the linode 64, pay annually and get double the disk space.. then later i want to upgrade to a linode 128. do i then get 4gig of diskspace..? or do i stay at 2? (as 2gig is what you get on a 128 package)

i know… its being picky, but I was just wondering..

thanks, cant wait to sign up and test this out..

1 Reply


Good question – better to be informed than not, right?

I think the answer to your question is "Yes". As long as you are paying annually, you'll receive double the default disk space for which ever plan you're on. For example, upgrading from annual Linode 64 plan to an annual Linode 128 plan, you would go from 2 GB to 4 GB.



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