SSL Help

Running Ubuntu 10.04 serving nginx. Just grabbed the RapidSSL from GeoTrust, got the email with the –-begin----end----request.

But no go. Browser (Chrome) shows https crossed off and locked x'ed. Details of certificate read: This certificate is OK. Green

But under that is Red X Lock so not sure where I went wrong.

New to this so not sure what to ask.

Followed Linode generate signing request with -newkey rsa:2048

. Submitted that. Got my crt on the server.(That appears to be fine since every browser i checked says certificate is validated thru geoTrust.


The connection to in encrypted with 256 bit encryption. However the page includes other resources which are not secure. These resources can be viewed by others while in transit.

Your connection used TLS 1.0

The connection is encrypted with AES256CBC with SHA1 for message authentication and DHE_RSA for exchange mechanism.

The connection is compressed with DEFLATE

end Chrome----

Anyone point me in the right direction?

6 Replies

Please post your site so we can investigate.

Sorry. at the current time the site is not public on the web. Not my choice but the owner so until he wants it up not much i can say about that.



Sorry. at the current time the site is not public on the web. Not my choice but the owner so until he wants it up not much i can say about that.


If it's connected to the internet it's public :/

Anyway just a shot in the dark, maybe not all the resources on the page are secured by https, do you have links to external/internal images via http?

Sure public but if the root directory is password protected and you go there with no password / user I would say thats not very public. But besides the point.

It was infact my Piwik stats script from a non https source.

Thanks all.

Right mouse click on the page you are looking for and view the source.

Check that all the resources in the source listing have the protocol


and not


To give you an example, if you are using absolute URLs in your site, you will be OK since they will work on either the http or https protocol. If however you are referencing a library (say jQuery from Google's CDN) then you need to make sure that if you visit the site using https your jQuery has to be linked using Google's https CDN.

I hope the above helps.


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