Add modules to Apache (mod_case_filter)

I have a CentOS5 box here at Linode and am a bit of noob at setting everything up but have a website working fully and have had no real issues I couldn't sort out.

Today I uploaded some new code for additions to my website and found that I was missing some apache modules on the Linode box that I had on my MAMP Pro setup locally.

I need modcasefilter and modcasefilter_in on the Linode box to enable things to run and I have searched and search Google but can't find out a way to do this except for complicated recompiles which make me about nervous with a week to go before my launch date :)

I know about adding them to the httpd.conf but not how to actually compile them in to Apache.

Any help would be much appreciated.

12 Replies

Are you sure you need those modules? They're in the apache source under modules/experimental and are example modules.

Thanks for the reply. Yes they're required for Vanilla forums unfortunately so there's no way around it. MAMP had them loaded by default so I didn't know about any issues until I pushed my code to the live box and saw the error and then I found out the issue.

Any ideas on how to install them from that folder? Got a client to show in the morning and am starting to panic :)

Thanks again for your time.

Vanilla doesn't require those

But if you still really want to install them which I don't recommend, download the source of your apache installation, go into the modules/experimental folder and use the apxs (or apxs2) tool i.e.

apxs -i -c -n mod_case_filter.c
apxs -i -c -n mod_case_filter_in.c

Thanks - here's the error from Vanilla forums on my Linode box:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function filtervar() in /srv/www/blah/publichtml/forums/library/core/class.request.php on line 257

I have also commented out those modules locally and as soon as that is done the same error occurs, so they definitely are required even though not strictly stipulated on that list.

Thats a php error, nothing to do with apache

I've installed vanilla before without those with no problems, sounds like you have a broken installation.

A tip from someone who isn't a server admin- when you get an error like that just Google it.


A tip from someone who isn't a server admin- when you get an error like that just Google it.

Thats what server admins do too :P

Thanks Guys - I have done plenty of searching on Google for that error - my best friend for a long time :)

The point is that I have a working forum on my local dev and I comment out those two modules and it dies and produces that exact error. I then have that same exact error on my Linode box and the php.ini side by side from local and live shows that the only difference is those two modules.

So if the one and only change I make is to comment out those two modules to produce exactly the same error locally - it would have to suggest that the one and only cause (?) is the lack of those two modules on my live box?

It is reproducible 100% of the time - comment them out - it dies - comment them in and it works.

UNless I'm missing something - and I probably am :) - I can't see there is any other answer.

you may also be missing php modules - which as others have alluded to - is the ACTUAL cause of your problem.

do a compare of you phpinfo's between your two setups.. you'll probably notice some difference there as well.

Yup will do - thanks for everyone's help with this - much appreciated

The filter functions are only core PHP functions as of 5.2.0 (released November 2006), but CentOS 5.5 runs an ancient version of PHP, 5.1.6, from August 2006 (presumably they've backported stuff since then).

The latest stable release of PHP is 5.3.5. PHP 5.2.x is still supported, and the latest version there is 5.2.17. PHP 5.1, however, is old and abandoned.

If you want to get the filter functions in PHP 5.1, you'll need to pull the module from PECL. If you want to update PHP, you can do something like this:


you may also be missing php modules - which as others have alluded to - is the ACTUAL cause of your problem.

do a compare of you phpinfo's between your two setups.. you'll probably notice some difference there as well.

You were right - thanks for the heads up as it saved me from losing the rest of my hair :D


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