Quick instructions on using ngnix as apache frontend?

I've perused the library, and done some searches here. Hopefully, there's a quickstart document I just missed.

I'm running a vBulletin website on Ubuntu 10.04. I've previously tweaked my mpm-worker settings, but things are getting slow again.

I've collected about four months worth of stats with awstats, and 70% of my requests are just for static content, so it seems like this would be a great solution.

However, I've been unable to dig up a quick document on how to get this to work. Any pointers?

1 Reply

You could switch to nginx and fastcgi (see http://library.linode.com/lemp-guides/u … .04-lucid/">http://library.linode.com/lemp-guides/ubuntu-10.04-lucid/)

Otherwise it's the same as that doc except when you get to the bit about fcgi you'll need to use proxy* options instead of fastcgi*

Simple config would be

location ~ .php$


proxy_pass http://localhost:81;

proxysetheader Host $http_host;

proxysetheader X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

proxysetheader X-Forwarded-For $proxyaddxforwardedfor;


That assumes that you set apache to listen on port 81.


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