drbdadm resize r0 Don't Work

Is there anyone out there that knows the secret to resizing a linode drbd drive?

I've asked Linode support and have looked all over the internet to figure out how to resize my drbd drives. I resized the filesystem using the Linode dashboard and they show the new size.

I asked Linode support many questions and all they will tell me is "..For that, you will need to resize the filesystem manually". That's helpful, but how?

I've also tried zeroing out the drive (dd of=/dev/zero if=/dev/xvdc) and recreating the meta data (drbdadm create-md r0). Then I ran drbdadm resize r0. I checked the logs and there's no errors, but no resize either.

My drbd is setup like this ~~[http://library.linode.com/linux-ha/ip-failover-heartbeat-pacemaker-drbd-mysql-ubuntu-10.04#installandconfiguredrbd" target="blank">](http://library.linode.com/linux-ha/ip-f … igure_drbd">http://library.linode.com/linux-ha/ip-failover-heartbeat-pacemaker-drbd-mysql-ubuntu-10.04#installandconfigure_drbd](

Is there anyone out there that knows the secret to resizing a linode drbd drive?

1 Reply

Are you trying to make it bigger or smaller?


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