apt-get updates proxied at Fremont NOC?

Does anyone know if HE (Fremont) proxies or mirrors Ubuntu's apt repos locally? I have found that updates/upgrades run EXTREMELY slowly at that one NOC only. In fact, I've had numerous timeouts with simple apt-get installs of small packages lately.

Edit: Here's an example. Slightly mangled due to screen refreshes but you get the point:

Get:4 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-updates/main dpkg [303kB/2192kB 15%] 15.7kB/s 28min 44s

8 Replies

There is no transparent proxying going on in any of our facilities.

Which mirror are you hitting?


I just pasted a snippet to my post there. As I watch apt-get right now, I am observing throughput from ~5000 bps up to 13.7kB/s.

I just jumped over to a Linode in your UK NOC and the same apt-get (hitting the same mirrror) flew by at 141kB/s the few times I was actually able to see the progress counter.

Edit: Another attribution here so you don't think I'm nuts:

![](http://jrob.net.s3.amazonaws.com/fora/p … 9%20AM.png">http://jrob.net.s3.amazonaws.com/fora/pix/Screenshot2011-03-02at11.30.39%20AM.png" />

I just updated some ubuntu packages in my linode and a 29Mb download from security.ubuntu.com took about 10 minutes.

My linode is in Dallas. The same update in my home PC with a 3 Mbps connection took less than a minute.

Here is a traceroute from my linode to security.ubuntu.com:

traceroute to security.ubuntu.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  a1.7.1243.static.theplanet.com (  0.526 ms  0.598 ms  0.608 ms
 2  xe-2-0-0.car03.dllstx2.networklayer.com (  0.183 ms  0.203 ms  0.184 ms
 3  po101.dsr02.dllstx2.networklayer.com (  0.458 ms  0.526 ms  0.541 ms
 4  te4-4.dsr02.dllstx3.networklayer.com (  0.670 ms te7-4.dsr02.dllstx3.networklayer.com (  0.753 ms te4-3.dsr02.dllstx3.networklayer.com (  0.780 ms
 5  e5-2.ibr04.dllstx3.networklayer.com (  0.483 ms  0.523 ms  0.593 ms
 6  xe-8-1-0.edge4.Dallas3.Level3.net (  0.456 ms  0.477 ms  0.470 ms
 7  vlan60.csw1.Dallas1.Level3.net (  0.881 ms  0.831 ms  0.842 ms
 8  ae-63-63.ebr3.Dallas1.Level3.net (  1.057 ms  1.022 ms  0.924 ms
 9  ae-7-7.ebr3.Atlanta2.Level3.net (  20.875 ms  20.655 ms  20.934 ms
10  ae-63-63.csw1.Atlanta2.Level3.net (  20.912 ms ae-73-73.csw2.Atlanta2.Level3.net (  20.732 ms ae-63-63.csw1.Atlanta2.Level3.net (  20.723 ms
11  ae-61-61.ebr1.Atlanta2.Level3.net (  21.301 ms  20.304 ms  20.398 ms
12  ae-6-6.ebr1.Washington12.Level3.net (  33.214 ms  32.820 ms  42.763 ms
13  ae-1-100.ebr2.Washington12.Level3.net (  33.201 ms  32.851 ms  32.850 ms
14 (  37.421 ms  37.261 ms  37.305 ms
15  ae-43-43.ebr2.London1.Level3.net (  105.774 ms  105.451 ms ae-42-42.ebr2.London1.Level3.net (  105.504 ms
16 (  105.975 ms  105.784 ms  107.106 ms
17  ae-3-3.ebr2.London2.Level3.net (  110.041 ms  105.763 ms  105.946 ms
18  * * ae-26-52.car2.London2.Level3.net (  105.935 ms
19  gi1-0-1.oxygen.canonical.com (  108.192 ms  106.957 ms  106.268 ms
20  vlan931.watermelon.canonical.com (  119.528 ms  119.060 ms  119.488 ms
21  atemoya.canonical.com (  188.049 ms  186.461 ms  187.446 ms

And from my home PC:

traceroute with 64 packetsize

1: dsl-servicio-l200.uninet.net.mx ( 12 ms
2: bb-la-grand-5-pos0-15-0-0.uninet.net.mx ( 62 ms
3: xe-10-0-0.bar1.Tustin1.Level3.net ( 59 ms
4: ae-0-11.bar2.Tustin1.Level3.net ( 61 ms
5: ae-10-10.ebr1.LosAngeles1.Level3.net ( 59 ms
6: ae-2-2.ebr3.SanJose1.Level3.net ( 77 ms
7: ae-83-83.csw3.SanJose1.Level3.net ( 82 ms
8: ae-94-94.ebr4.SanJose1.Level3.net ( 125 ms
9: ae-2-2.ebr2.NewYork1.Level3.net ( 132 ms
10: ae-72-72.csw2.NewYork1.Level3.net ( 131 ms
11: ae-81-81.ebr1.NewYork1.Level3.net ( 131 ms
12: ae-43-43.ebr2.London1.Level3.net ( 239 ms
13: 208 ms
14: ae-3-3.ebr2.London2.Level3.net ( 203 ms
15: ae-26-56.car2.London2.Level3.net ( 197 ms
16: gi1-0-1.oxygen.canonical.com ( 199 ms
17: vlan931.watermelon.canonical.com ( 197 ms
18: bignay.canonical.com ( 230 ms

I am not getting the same speeds from Canonical, but I'm in Newark. Try another mirror. Replace us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ with mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu/

In /etc/aptitude/sources.list I mean.

The default "us" Ubuntu mirror is in the UK. I would still expect better speeds than you're seeing, but you should probably try a different (closer) mirror. There's a whole lot of internet between your node and London (as your traceroute shows).

If you are interested in a local caching proxy, I currently run one in Newark, and hope to add a few more in other DC's in the near future.



The default "us" Ubuntu mirror is in the UK. I would still expect better speeds than you're seeing, but you should probably try a different (closer) mirror. There's a whole lot of internet between your node and London (as your traceroute shows).

If you are interested in a local caching proxy, I currently run one in Newark, and hope to add a few more in other DC's in the near future.


I guess what I'm saying is that it seems counterintuitive that a high quality DC like HE would show such a glaring throughput differential compared to my office and house, both of which are here on the left edge of California with a whole lotta internet between here and wherever the default Ubuntu apt cache is. FWIW I hit both the and addresses when trying to get past the even-worse timeouts I was suffering the other night with this.

I know there are myriad workarounds, heck I was even prepared to proxy myself right through NJ, ATL or DAL where there were no issues with my apt-get maneuvers nor in my scp tests between this host and my Linodes in those DCs, but the bottom line is that the whole point of apt is to just make it happen… right? It's not like I'm expecting a default config to perform well in some far-off place, but rather expecting a default North American config to perform reasonably well in a well-respected and performant North American datacenter.

And BTW this is not a gripe, rather a puzzling anomaly that I can reproduce in my Linodes deployed at HE from a couple years ago through ones deployed two days ago.

Yeah, but the default North American mirror is in Europe…


Yeah, but the default North American mirror is in Europe…

I think we're in a loop here. Let me rephrase:

The default mirror works great everywhere except Fremont. This seems anomalous, since HE is a big, popular and well-connected DC.


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