sending mail through the "mail" command

Okay, I'm relatively clueless about linux, so please bear with me.

I have a linode account. What procedure must I got through in order to enable:

echo hello world | mail

I also have a few domains at godaddy, would I have to change some MX records etc to my linode host's IP address? It's running ubuntu 9.04 if that changes anything.

3 Replies

ok well first you should upgrade to ubuntu 10.04, 9.04's support ended in october, see … 0.04-lucid"> for instructions

Then you need to install a mail server, either … 0.04-lucid">

or … 0.04-lucid">

Then mail will work

Will sending mail as-is, say, to my gmail account possibly mark my IP as a spammer address though?

nah, especially if you add a SPF record, you need to add a TXT record for your domains DNS with, here is a good wizard


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