Should i install EHCP (Control Panel) ?

I got my LAMP running fine, no PhpMyAdmin, i use HeidiSQL to save some memory. My only problem is that my site´s script (socialengine) is not sending mails, i tried to install Postfix but the library document is too confused to me. Reverse DNS, FQDN, etc… i didn´t get it.

Someone told me to install EHCP Control Panel, so the mail issue would be easier to solve, but i´m worried about server resources, EHCP comes with PhpMyAdmin and i don´t know what else.

Do you think it´s a good idea? To a newby?

Thanks for any words.

3 Replies

Personally I think you should give the linode library guide another go, eventually something will happen that you can't fix with a control panel, better to learn now than later.

FYI Reverse DNS (rDNS) is when you do a DNS lookup on the ip address i.e.

host domain name pointer

It's used by mail servers to help prevent spam.

FQDN is fully qualified domain name, i.e. the hostname of your server, normally something like or

Thanks obs, for trying to help me. I´ll give it another try and post here my doubts.

Thansk a lot.

If you only need to send, no receive, then exim is a good option as well. Easier to configure than postfix IME


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