Keep site data while deplying a distro

Is there a way to keep my site data if i want to install my distro and packages again?

Thank you.

6 Replies

Easiest way would be to resize your existing image to a smaller size, then use the resulting free space to install your new OS. You can then edit your new deployment's configuration profile to add the new disk image, then mount it.

You can use df -h to figure out how much space you're using:

$ df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/xvda             8.8G  5.7G  3.1G  65% /
varrun                250M   56K  250M   1% /var/run
varlock               250M     0  250M   0% /var/lock
devshm                250M     0  250M   0% /dev/shm

In this case, I can resize down to 6 GB (~6000 MB), leaving about 10 GB for new stuff.

If you're packed to the gills and can't shrink your filesystem far enough, you can also add some extra disk space on the Extras tab and remove it when you're done.

Thanks, that gave me a direction.

The other option would be to just buy a new linode, set it up, migrate your data, delete the old one. It's all prorated, so you'll get credit back and only end up paying for the overlapping time.


The other option would be to just buy a new linode, set it up, migrate your data, delete the old one. It's all prorated, so you'll get credit back and only end up paying for the overlapping time.

I was going to do that then I got attached to having two linodes.


I was going to do that then I got attached to having two linodes.

Haha, same problem here…



I was going to do that then I got attached to having two linodes.

Haha, same problem here…

Same here. It's a curse I say..


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