Possible DNS Issue?

I'm seeing very long DNS Lookup times in firebug on my site. I checked linode.com and am seeing the same thing.

I don't really trust the net panel in firebug but it's the only info I've got to go on at the moment.

~~![](<URL url=)http://viperquest.com/xeoz/longdnslookup2.png" />

Is there a DNS issue right now? Anyone else able to reproduce this? And can anyone recommend diagnosis steps from my end.


2 Replies

The whole request for linode.com takes 230ms for me. Try changing your dns servers to and (google dns) and see if that resolves your problem, if it does it's a problem with your isps dns.

Yep, that was it. Guess the DNS servers I was using were having issues. I didn't even think to try that.

I feel Google already knows enough about me so I ran namebench and am using some new quick DNS servers.

Thank you!


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