best way to host multiple sites

So, what would be the most optimal way to host multiple sites here on linode? Would having several linodes under one account be optimal, or one big linode hosting several sites?

4 Replies

Running a single site per Linode would be… excessive…

What sort of sites are we talking about? It's quite likely you wouldn't even need all that "big" a Linode. I run a fairly "heavy" Django site, and two moderately busy Wordpress blogs (along with other stuff) on a single 512.



Running a single site per Linode would be… excessive…

What sort of sites are we talking about? It's quite likely you wouldn't even need all that "big" a Linode. I run a fairly "heavy" Django site, and two moderately busy Wordpress blogs (along with other stuff) on a single 512.


some joomla sites, mostly, and some wordpress…your average LAMP craziness

Is it possible to use different instances of apache, say, within one node?

I think you're looking for virtual hosting, which is a pretty fundamental part of Apache.



Running a single site per Linode would be… excessive…

What sort of sites are we talking about? It's quite likely you wouldn't even need all that "big" a Linode. I run a fairly "heavy" Django site, and two moderately busy Wordpress blogs (along with other stuff) on a single 512.


some joomla sites, mostly, and some wordpress…your average LAMP craziness

Is it possible to use different instances of apache, say, within one node?
Yes but you really don't want to.

Install a basic LAMP stack then search the forums for apache, wordpress etc optimisations you'll find a bucket load of posts.


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