Tuning of Apache/Wordpress


I am using a VPS 512M with Apache prefork and Wordpress as a CMS. I have installed W3 Total cache too. I noticed that my server' s RAM is always at around 340M-300M used. And sometimes, i have to reboot the server because it freezes. I am running a group buying site but I have only about 1500 visits/day. I haven't changed any config from the default. What tuning do you recommend I do to my:

1. Apache

2. Wordpress

3 W3 Total Cache ( I am not using Object cache and Database cache yet).



2 Replies

What's the value of your apache max clients? Set it to around 20.

In W3 Total Cache, try to use Alternative PHP Cache instead of Disk. I see a great performance improvement after switch on my VPS.


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