private ip

Hi all,

this might be a silly question, but I could not easily find the answer, so I thought would post it here.

If I get a private IP for my nodes, does transfer between the nodes count towards my bandwidth transfer?



5 Replies

Private network transfer is free. That's the whole point.

I don't know if it's displayed in the graphs or not, but you certainly don't pay for it.


Private network transfer is free. That's the whole point.
But it only works within a particular data centre.

thanks everyone for the answers.

So, just to be sure, I have a quick follow up question.

mostly I will be doing scrp between nodes when I need to transfer between nodes, but occasionally I will be doing it over http.

So, if I do an http request to the private ip, that will be free also? (might be a silly question… but hey!)


If it is traffic to and from private IPs, it will be free, no matter how strange your packets are.


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