
What is everyone else using their linode for? I'd like to hear what everone else is running. Kinda would like to see both ends of the spectrum

Personally I am runing apache with php/mysql with sendmail and qpopper. Just using for msyelf at the moment to learn how to use linux in a server enviroment. so far have just been using debian and instalilng everything through source or apt-get.

7 Replies

Im running everything at various times playing with X windows and the server apps. Redhat 9 large is my current favorite - vnc works pretty decent with my new cable modem connection. I want to get it stable enough to host a couple of my domains at some point, once i get everything working the way i want Ill add more storage and ip's and RAM. I still can't get blackbox up and running - until then it's pretty much an expensive toy for me. In the long run I hope to get my own dedicated hardware and start a UML shell host and IRC bot/bounce etc server.


Im running everything at various times playing with X windows and the server apps. Redhat 9 large is my current favorite - vnc works pretty decent with my new cable modem connection. I want to get it stable enough to host a couple of my domains at some point, once i get everything working the way i want Ill add more storage and ip's and RAM. I still can't get blackbox up and running - until then it's pretty much an expensive toy for me. In the long run I hope to get my own dedicated hardware and start a UML shell host and IRC bot/bounce etc server.

neat.. im kinda doing the same. expensive toy, hehe. ive got a couple of domains hosted at another company and got this so that I can learn linux and eventually bring everyone over on here. dunno if ima do that though since i have a tendency to break things :D but still gonna keep it for production work

Currently am hosting my personal site on a dsl line with static IPs. I pay SBC WAY too much for this line plus the problem of power outages all the time at my house. Going to one day use the linode to host my site.. tinydns, qmail, apache, courier-imap, and whatever else. What does the site actually get used for? Mostly just my email :) For the time being I am still just playing with my linode.

I'll probably get a second IP one day and vhost some sites for friends & family.

I needed my own linode to get some control over my web site hosting as web response time is important to me.

I have a few websites I built using Perl/mysql and Apache rewrite rules. I'll be running a large-ish mysql cache (100MB) and have about 500MB Australian stockmarket data in mysql tables.

I've got sick of virtual web hosting providers telling me "you use too much CPU time with cgi" :oops: when in fact the opposite is true - to have a good web response time your Perl/mysql queries need to be optimised.

I might install Tomcat too.


Update: I'm getting mysql selects returning 4950 rows/second on my Linode after some tweaking- extremely impressive!


What is everyone else using their linode for? I'd like to hear what everone else is running. Kinda would like to see both ends of the spectrum
I'm a geek who needs a personal web/mail server running 24/7. Until Linode I was running my own box, which bounced between my cable connection at home (blackholed port 80, some ISPs bounced mail from me) and my T1 connection at school (not the epitome of reliability, and only one year left).

I've got a minimalist Debian distro running Twisted for my web sites, along with a semi-standard collection of console apps. Not running X, not planning on it. Currently I host off of my Linode, and am in the process of migrating my other site <>.

Linode has worked well for me. I enjoy having a remote server where I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, without actually paying for colocation.

Bout the same as everyone else I suppose, I use it as a box to experiment with…

A lot of the web sites I manage for myself and others are on it (

I've also moved a site belonging to a consulting group I work with onto another linode since it was so cost effective vs co-location for their needs right now.

Have to commend Chris here… he's got a great thing going on.


Have to commend Chris here… he's got a great thing going on.
Commendation gratefully accepted :-)



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