Time for Sub-Domain to go Live?

I've got two Nodes, one is working fine as the main webserver (call it www.foo.com) and the domain record for that is all good. The second server, call it BILL has an IP of and I want to use this to serve up static files and assign that the sub-domain bill.foo.com. Apache is running fine on BILL and I can access it with a browser via the IP.

So I've setup an A record in the Linode DNS manager like this:

Hostname: bill.foo.com

IP Address:

TTL: 300s

I set the TTL short so I could get testing ASAP. However, a good while later bill.foo.com isn't working and a

host bill.foo.com is giving a 'not found: 3 (NXDOMAIN)' error.

Any hints on what I might be doing wrong? Or am I just being impatient?

10 Replies

So, you're going to have two websites with PUBLIC domains which resolve to PUBLIC IP's yet you expect people who may be able to help you go thru sometype of weird Captain Crunch Decoder Ring exercise to decrypt what little info you actually provided.

Good luck with that.


So, you're going to have two websites with PUBLIC domains which resolve to PUBLIC IP's yet you expect people who may be able to help you go thru sometype of weird Captain Crunch Decoder Ring exercise to decrypt what little info you actually provided.

Good luck with that.

Nice. Friendly guy.

main domain is: www.timeclockmts-online.com (

second IP is: which I am trying to get to resolve to leonard.timeclockmts-online.com

Works for me

% getent hosts leonard.timeclockmts-online.com  leonard.timeclockmts-online.com

(See how easy it was for me to check, once you'd provided real information - vonskippy is correct; if you don't give us enough information then we can't help!)


Works for me

% getent hosts leonard.timeclockmts-online.com  leonard.timeclockmts-online.com

(See how easy it was for me to check, once you'd provided real information - vonskippy is correct; if you don't give us enough information then we can't help!)

Oh I agree, but "if you don't give us enough information then we can't help" is a much nicer way of putting things that the tripe above.

Thanks for your help by the way :) Is there a reason why my other sub-domains (set up several weeks ago) would be returning correctly via the host command and this new one isn't? Is this just a time issue?

It's possible the DNS server you're using has cached the NXDOMAIN and so isn't looking it up.

If you ask a different DNS server you may see it works


% host leonard.timeclockmts-online.com
Using domain server:

leonard.timeclockmts-online.com has address

Great, that's it then. Thanks very much for help :)


is a much nicer way of putting things that the tripe above.
Ahhhh, you wanted technical help AND some warm milk and cookies.

It helps to be more specific.



is a much nicer way of putting things that the tripe above.
Ahhhh, you wanted technical help AND some warm milk and cookies.

It helps to be more specific.

Cookies would be nice, thanks for asking :) Thanks to all for help.

Your negative caching TTL (the last value in the SOA record) is set to 86400, so your resolver could cache the result up to a day. (Or longer, if it's a jerk and ignores TTLs, but we'll ignore that issue.) Just FYI, the recommended value for that setting is usually just a couple hours.


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