backup question: rsnapshot + amazon S3


before to take action I would like to hear what you gus think on this backup solution for all my websites.

1) fuse s3 to use amazon S3 service as part of my filesystem

2) rsnapshot to take daily backups directly stored on amazon

thanks for ANY hints!


5 Replies

Using s3 over fuse is notoriously unstable, I believe is generally a more preferred approach, (or you could be like me and use simple put requests using curl).

To cut down on the amount of traffic sent over the wire, I usually go with duplicity. It maintains the current state of the remote store locally, so it doesn't have to list and download files to check them. I also upload a couple specific files individually (such as mysqldumps) so they're restorable without duplicity.

I think rsnapshot relies on hard links, which may not work with an S3 fuse filesystem; you might have to resort to s3backer for things to work right.

I'm using cloudcity with rackspace cloud files.

It's stable and cheaper than s3.

You only need python-cloudfiles and duplicity packages.


I think rsnapshot relies on hard links, which may not work with an S3 fuse filesystem; you might have to resort to s3backer for things to work right.

Thanks everyone.

Today I found that Rsnapshot DOESN'T work on amazon S3 so I will try duplicity

thanks again


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