[noob question?] my StackScript didn't work?

Hi all! Brand new Linode user here, very excited!

I just booted my new image on Ubuntu 10.04 with the LEMP stack + etc here:

http://www.linode.com/stackscripts/view … riptID=360">http://www.linode.com/stackscripts/view/?StackScriptID=360

I waited about 10 minutes after booting but when I log in it doesn't seem that the script has been executed, or at least not properly; I can only log in as root instead of root being disabled in favor of a regular user account (which doesn't exist), and nginx hasn't been installed at all.

Am I missing something fundamental here? I don't have to run the StackScript myself, right? :( :(

Thanks for your advice!

4 Replies

after realizing the script was still running, I looked for aptitude processes and sure enough it's in the middle of installing 'python-software-properties.' However, it's been on that for quite some time… could it be waiting for some kind of user input or something? :-/

http://www.linode.com/stackscripts/view … criptID=41">http://www.linode.com/stackscripts/view/?StackScriptID=41

Looks like you're compiling php from source.

Yes, but I can see that the php function has finished and it's on the lemp_nginx() function, stuck on "aptitude install python-software-properties." It's been an hour and 20 minutes now since the script started.

I just tried killing that process and the script seems to have finished. Hm.

It was probably waiting for a prompt. The author probably should've done:

aptitude -y install …


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