Can I buy a full year of service? (billing page pro-rates)

I went to order 1 year of linode 128, but when it got to billing information, it appeared to pro-rate me to the end of the month. I actually want to pay for a whole year in advance as it makes my accounting much easier.

How do I do this?

I would be happy to purchase this month pro-rated plus the next year in full.

3 Replies


I went to order 1 year of linode 128, but when it got to billing information, it appeared to pro-rate me to the end of the month. I actually want to pay for a whole year in advance as it makes my accounting much easier.

How do I do this?

I would be happy to purchase this month pro-rated plus the next year in full.

Hello and thanks for signing up!

Annual payments are pro-rated for the first month (so July 9th, 2003 - July 31st, 2003) – then on about the 21st you'll be invoiced and billed for the entire year (August 1st, 2003 - August 31st, 2004).

We pro-rate the first month so the billing dates are the same for everyone. I should add that info to the Sign-up page.

Thanks for your question,


I've modified Step3 of the signup process (the final page) to include a note about annual payments.



thank you for putting that information on the thread (i am not sure i saw it on the page though..

btw i signed up gor my account at approximately 0900 GMT thursday 18th 2k4. any ideas how long it will take.. (i live in sri lanka, so i can understand you wanting to check my cc)

all the best



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