openvpn tunneling not working


I followed the openvpn linode library article for ubuntu 10.10. I downloaded the openvpn gui for windows, and transfered all the relevant files to my home computer (which is running windows). It seems to connect just fine, creating an ethernet port that is connected, however, when I go to, it shows my home ip, not my linode's ip. Any idea why full tunneling isn't working? I added the line to /etc/openvpn/server.conf and /etc/sysctl.conf, then restarted openvpn.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks and if you need any more information feel free to ask.



2 Replies

That's because your default gateway is set yo your physical connection and not to openvpn.


I think I know why this isn't working.

It's because I'm connecting to the internet through a wifi router, and open vpn gui is trying to make it a lan connection.

Is there any way to tell my computer (using windows xp) to use the router to get to the internet, but then use my linode to connect to all the resources? Basically, how can i tell it to use wifi and lan at the same time. (I'd rather not set this all up in the router itself, because I don't want my whole family tunneling through my server, just my personall computer.).




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