Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS - change root password

So it appears that my linode has root enabled by default and that's how I connect with SSH.

How do I change the password? And if I do so, am I asking for trouble?

Thanks in advance for your help.

4 Replies

Are you asking for trouble?

Of course you are - remember the Unoobtu credo - you are too STUPID to be trusted with root.

Stop it - stop it now. Unoobtu fanboys the world over are cringing in their mothers basement hoping that you haven't changed any of the universes constants or worse yet increased entropy past the point of no return.

Sure, UNIX Admins have been successfully (and safely) using root accounts for over 3 decades - but don't fool yourself, Unoobtu users are not in the same league as the smart, wise (and generally more handsome) UNIX admins.

So do a quick format, reload your candyass distro, and don't even think of running as root unless you have a glorious flowing, chick magnet, white beard to prove your worthiness.

I use the public key method and disable password authentication- http://library.linode.com/security/basi … k_down_ssh">http://library.linode.com/security/basics/#lockdownssh


snip worthless dribble

that was quite the helpful post, vonskippy. :roll:

to the OP: if you're already logged in as root, you can change the password the same as you would when logged in as any other user: passwd



snip worthless dribble

that was quite the helpful post, vonskippy. :roll:

to the OP: if you're already logged in as root, you can change the password the same as you would when logged in as any other user: passwd
You can disable direct root login in ssh config:

> grep Root /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitRootLogin no

Don't forget to look into sudoers list (wheel).

Don't forget to make sure that everything works before disconnecting your root session.

Don't forget, if it all goes utterly wrong, use Linode website to get energency root terminal.


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