What else should I do with my linode?

So, I use my linode for fun, I have several nodes for work and 2 for personal use. The 2 I have for personal use I basically have 1 live and 1 dev so I don't break anything on my live one while I play.

So my question is this, what else should I play with on my personal nodes?

Currently I have:

Unreal IRC server

Asterisks server with a sip trunk for outgoing/incoming calls

Deluge headless install (awesome btw you should all check it out)

I don't do blogging or social networking so I don't need anything like drupal, looking more for nice utilities and accessibility. Don't want to run a tor relay as I don't know the legal implications if people use my server for highly illegal crap like kiddie porn.

Was thinking about putting squid back on but don't really need a proxy…maybe though.

Any other suggestions? I have an iphone so I don't know if there are nice apps that can tie into some of the services (like I do with IRC and Asterisks sip client on the phone so I can call people free while traveling overseas.)


4 Replies

> Don't want to run a tor relay as I don't know the legal implications if people use my server for highly illegal crap like kiddie porn.

Running a Tor relay is nearly hassle-free if you don't also run an exit node. Exit nodes can be associated with copyright infringement or kiddie porn if that's what other users do. But a plain relay just acts as a conduit between a Tor user and another relay, or between another relay and an exit node. As long as nothing exits from your node, nobody can trace any particular online activity to your server. Just remember to be reasonable with resource usage, because you're on a shared server.

Tor could really use a few more relays these days. The few people who still have Internet access in Egypt today are too afraid to do anything except through Tor, as seen in this graph from EFF.

You should run a game server of some sorts. For example, Left4Dead 2, Half-Life, counter-strike, or Team Fortress 2. It is free from Valve when you download 'hlds' from them.


You should run a game server of some sorts. For example, Left4Dead 2, Half-Life, counter-strike, or Team Fortress 2. It is free from Valve when you download 'hlds' from them.
Will not affect whether it is on performance neighbors on host? Game-servers often uses processor intensive.


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