working on a go daddy howto

im working on a howto to get your domain setup to your virtual server when you get a godaddy domain hell they are only 8.95$ so why not give your virtual server a domain (no this is not an add for ill post a link to the howto tommarow sometime when i finish it

13 Replies

That'd be most usefull although I would think it would work for any registrar with nothing more but DNS entries avaliable

In the meantime, can you just list some of the key steps involved? I'll read a couple of the DNS threads here along with information at tomorrow to try and start working on my domain

Be sure to list some places where ppl can obtain free dns servers.. I used godaddy for my domain with my virtual server at, but now that its going under i'll be moving here. So I'll be going through the DNS issues again. If you run into any probs or want more options give me a hollar.

the basic steps are:

register a domain with whomever you want (godaddy is cheapest i know of)

get a free dns server (i like, or set up bind on your linode

tell you registrar which name servers should be considered "authoritative" for your domain

on your dns server, set up a host (A) record, ie

wait 3 days



I am also setting up my linode and need help.

I want to set up multiple domains.

I choose to use bind.

I have some 10 domains to set up.

All domains registered already. I have control panel to change name servers for those domains.

Now how to start and what steps to follow?

I will also configure mail server for the same.

Can anyone outline the steps to follow?



the basic steps are:

register a domain with whomever you want (godaddy is cheapest i know of)

get a free dns server (i like, or set up bind on your linode. At the risk of sounding like a stuck record from other threads, GoDaddy now provides dns service for free with all domains. You do not need ZoneEdit or any other dns service if you are at GoDaddy and need basic dns service.

Its not immediately obvious how to get to it on GoDaddy. Set the name servers to 'Parked at GoDaddy'. 'Total DNS Control' will appear on the menu. You can add 'A', 'MX' and CNAME records and 'A's to subdomains. That is probably enough for most people.

I've been using this for several months on about ten domains and it seems very reliable.

If this suits your needs and you were thinking of paying for dns service then of course its not worth paying more than $7.95 per year especially when this also gets you another year of domain registration.



PS: No, I don't work for GoDaddy. :) Several other registrars also seem to be bundling basic dns service these days.


Thank you ross. but the reason behind buying linode is I wanted to learn all these things along with doing some fruitful work like hosting sites.

And I believe, insteady of westing money on institutes who claim to teach you things its better to read and learn while you use.

So I will be configuring my own DNS.

Thank you for help.

My question still stands… anyone please?


the basic steps i outlined above will still apply to you, even if you are using your own dns server..

You will have to tell your registrar the IP of the dns server that you choose to use (in this case your linode)..

set up your domain(s) in bind, then when the name server change propogates (2-3 days) your linode should be the target of any query for name information for your domain..

warning: typically a domain will have a primary and a secondary(backup) DNS server, since DNS is a particularly important service.. Even if you use your linode as your primary dns server, I would still recommend using a different host for your secondary dns server.. and my recommendation for zoneedit still stands (and no i dont work there or have any monetary interest in zoneedit.. they've just worked well for me)

I'm a GoDaddy reseller and can confirm that most DNS stuff can be handled on parked domains. What can't be done is specifying * wildcards so that subdomains could be completely handled within Apache. I've asked them to allow wildcards in zone records and I've been told that my request has been forwarded to their developers.

If more GoDaddy users make this request we might see results. They just revamped and greatly improved the account management interface, so they might just add wildcard support as well. Please let them know you want this feature!

I used godaddy's DNS feature just to set my nameservers and point my domain to those nameservers… the rest of my DNS'ing is done via my linode. If you use Mandrake, I can provide the information on how to setup your domain with it (since bind is installed by default on the mandrake image, it isn't hard to configure for your domain)

-- Griswald



I have redhat small, even if bind is not there I can always wget it and have things in place (its already there in my distro) and hopefully bind will behave just like it behaves on other Linux distros. So you can proceed with guidelines I should follow. Parallaly I have been reading DNS and BIND by O'Reilly.


Please note, I'm not entirely great at writing "how-to's", etc…

But I'll explain things as best as a can, and others can easily point out my mistakes to make it better :)

Also, you MUST be logged in as the "root" user to do any of this.

[Instructrions for Mandrake, adapt to your own distro]

Note: This assumes bind is already installed on your system.

/etc/named.conf :

Make sure you have somethin like…

key "key" {
  **<u>This spot has random stuff that you don't want others to have</u>**

Right under this:

zone "." {
        type hint;
        file "";

Add the following:

__zone "" {

type master;

file "named.xeraweb";


****replace "" below with your domain. the

file "named.xeraweb" should be changed to whatever you want,

preferrably "named.yourdomainwithoutthedotcom", make note of

what you put, it's important.****

now, do a "cd /var/named"

create / edit the file you put in your domain's zone (in this instance, it's "named.xeraweb".

You should now be editting a completely blank file.

Here's an example one with a breakdown (italics are what YOU need to change)

$TTL 3d
@       IN      SOA     _xeraweb.com_. _griswald.xeraweb.com_.  (
                                      1997022700 ; Serial
                                      28800      ; Refresh
                                      14400      ; Retry
                                      3600000    ; Expire
                                      86400 )    ; Minimum
                      NS      _dns1.xeraweb.com_.
                      NS      _dns2.xeraweb.com_.
                      NS      _dns3.xeraweb.com_.
                      MX      _mail.xeraweb.com_.    ; Mail-Exchanger

_dns1.xeraweb.com_.      A      _64.62.190.178_
_dns2.xeraweb.com_.      A      _64.62.190.178_
_dns3.xeraweb.com_.      A      _64.62.190.178_
_xeraweb.com_.           A      _64.62.190.178_
_www.xeraweb.com_.       A      _64.62.190.178_
_ffxtreme.xeraweb.com_.  A      _64.62.190.178_
_mail.xeraweb.com_.      A      _64.62.190.178_

Now, to explain….

the first line, you replace "" with your own personal domain (can be .org, .net, etc). The "" is admin purposes, just change it to "" replacing it as you like.

The "NS" lines stand for "Name-server", in my case, since I use GoDaddy, I created my nameservers through them (DNS1, DNS2, DNS3), and pointed my domain to those nameservers. Instructions to do that will not be posted, but make sure you change these to your nameservers (You usually need ATLEAST two, even if they point to the same domain, and if you DO only have two nameservers, make sure there are only two NS lines).

The "MX" line stands for "Mail-eXchanger" (the M and X capitalized purposely), and tells the system where to send incoming mail too. I forward my mail to a friends comp since he does my mail services (IP is shown as the same as the other ip's in this instance)

You can set the "MX" line to point to a subdomain you want, or to a specific IP, it's up to you.

The "A" lines are the majorly important stuff after you got the main stuff down. These are the actual DNS records (,, etc). MAKE SURE you have an "A" line for your nameservers if they are on your domain, and also make sure you have all subdomains listed in an "A" line. All you really need to do is change/add the subdomain/DNS and the IP, and it should be good and done. Remember that the periods (.) that appear in ALL above examples MUST be there for bind to work properly.

With each domain, you must do the above over and over.

When done with your configuring, type "cd /etc/init.d", then type "./named restart".

You should see somethin like….

> Stopping named: [OK]

Starting named: [OK]

Now, from within your shell, type "ping" to see if it works! :)

– Griswald

I also use GoDaddy because of the pricing. However, the best deal for DNS serving is For $30/year you can host up to 50 domains on their 5 DNS servers. This price also includes http-redirects which has saved me a bunch of time.

I also like the interface. Between GoDaddy and DNSMadeEasy this stuff is getting much easier and affordable.


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