Reminder of the day (cache)

Hello! I'm new here, so I think I need to contribute something before spamming the board with my questions :)

Yesterday I accidentally looked at one of my websites HTTP headers. This website serves a lot of images and there were NO cache headers at all. Then I realised it was working like that for an year and half! Oh my! I thought cache headers were turned on!

I've added Expires header and it lowered my bandwidth and CPU usage in HALF. One-liner would save me ~300GB per month. Moreover, this website is now working with a speed of light. And I've not implemented 304 Not modified in my backend script yet (my next step).

Check your cache headers today! … html#sec13">

Hope it can be useful for someone!

1 Reply

This is a great shoutout. :)

Static caching, GZIP, and dynamic caching (for PHP, such as eAccellerator) can make a mean combo to instantly reduce a bit of resource usage.


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