Webalizer not running current stats on one of my domains

Hello everyone,

I am running ubuntu and apache. I have about 8 domains and webalizer running on all of them, storing to /srv/www/domain.tld/logs/webalizerlogs/ (not sure if this matters.

Anyways, as far as I can tell, all of them are setup the same as far as scheduling is concerned. But one domain in particular does not seem to be running the days of the current month. For all of December, none of it's were available until January 1st. Now, for all of January, I see no reports, yet I am sure it will show up on February 1st.

All my other domains give me Jan stats, just not one of the domains. They are all set to refresh daily at midnight, and it is purging the access log after every time it processes.

Any suggestions?

Edit: I just checked the cron jobs, and I do have an entry for the problem domain. I also forgot to mention, which you can tell from the below cron entry, that I originally set all this up using webmin.

/etc/webmin/webalizer/webalizer.pl /srv/www/legionofjeepers.com/logs/access.log

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