Todays dumbest question

And todays dumbest question is…. (drumroll):

If I am in the UK (GMT) and my back up slot says (GMT-5) beside it, does that mean that I need to set the backup time 5 hours before I want it to go off (my time)?

So, if I set the backup slot for 22:00, then in my time (and universe shard) it will be for 3am (give or take)?

My brain just isn't working to well after a days horrrendous building ;)

4 Replies

Depends heavily on which direction the Earth is spinning, also depends on which way is up and which way is down… -_- Set it back 5 hours from your local time to make it go off at your local time… The Earth appears to spin from left to right…

This is the entire reason I posted this:

The only group of people who don't have to think about this are those who live in EST and that doesn't mean Australia's EST

When it's 03:00 this Saturday morning in London, it'll be 22:00 Friday evening in New York. BST and Daylight Saving Time will conspire to alter this relationship over the year. This page is handy for converting an arbitrary time in your location to someone else's.


The only group of people who don't have to think about this are those who live in EST and that doesn't mean Australia's EST

I would venture to say that most americans can convert to EST pretty easily. we have to do it for TV all the time.


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