Linux Desktops

I'm currently running the large Redhat distro which comes with Gnome up and running. (start vnc server, open viewer on local machine and its there.) Much faster using the Java viewer built into vnc - member URL port 5800 plus display number, (display 1 would be member url:5801 - just like "go to my pc" but free :wink:

I'd like to use the minimal install and try some alternates like Blackbox for speed but I would like to know the config of the small distro first so I know what I'm getting into.

Does anyone know of an easy way to switch between desktop environments?



7 Replies


Does anyone know of an easy way to switch between desktop environments?



Have you looked into the ~/.vnc/xstartup script?


The Red Hat 9.0 small distro doesn't have any X stuff installed at all, so you'll be starting with a blank slate.

I've attempted to install X/Gnome manually, and it was a pain – just like on a normal machine :-)


Well I installed Xfree86, KDE and a few window managers on the small Debian destro but the X server gives the same error every time. "No free VT found". I'm guessing that the virtual server with no physical monitor is throwing X for a fit. Can anyone tell me how to config it for the virtual system? I can't find anything in the documentation on it.

It shouldn't be any different, other than you don't have a local video card, nor a local keyboard. This should be a problem, but your configuration is key…

The only thing I can suggest is, however you start X on a normal system (startx), it reads reads the init file and launches the programs in there (usually your window manager).

You should be using VNCServer to since it has its own X server, but it uses ~/.vnc/xstartup first… You should be able to launch the window manager of your choice from that file.

man vncserver


Its a faster X windows / vnc system - clients for every flavor of linux including embedded / playstation linux. The source code is available on GPL. I tested it and it is very fast using the nxagent proxy. If anyone is interested in working on getting this to work with the small distros for X windows access let me know - Ill be glad to participate / donate part of my server for the work.


Its a faster X windows / vnc system - clients for every flavor of linux including embedded / playstation linux. The source code is available on GPL. I tested it and it is very fast using the nxagent proxy. If anyone is interested in working on getting this to work with the small distros for X windows access let me know - Ill be glad to participate / donate part of my server for the work.

wha? does it cost money for the server version?

Yeah the pre compiled clients cost money but you can get everything in the source code section. So far it works great. Much better video - speed and you can even pull sound off the remote server, (havent tried it yet but I plan to).


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