Debian date time

Wondering if anyone has seen this… My debian servers timezone is stuck on UTC. So I started where I always start, Google. I came up with using tzselect to select my timezone which works just fine but it didn't change the date and time - reboot - same. So then I came up with changing the UTC option in /etc/default/rcS to no. Same even after a reboot. Last thing I found was to run````
localedef -i enUS -c -f UTF-8 enUS.UTF-8

````but still no luck (even after reboot). I'm about at the end of my wits with this one, and I'm hoping someone can help. Any help is appreciated.

3 Replies


dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

And if you want to change locales:

dpkg-reconfigure locales

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata worked like a charm! Thanks, I was going nuts. Can you explain to me what the difference between running tzdate and the dpkg-reconfigure tzdata is?

I think you meant "tzselect" instead "tzdate". Looking its manpage (man tzselect): > tzselect - view timezones

I'm not an expert, just since I found dpkg-reconfigure for this purposes, I don't use other tools :P

Anyway, for some "preinstalled packages by default" (exim4-config, tzdata, locales) you should reconfigure them to your needs with dpkg-reconfigure:
> dpkg-reconfigure - reconfigure an already installed package


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