New Customer - Need help badly

Dear All,

I need someone to help me

I have installed and added domain but some thing wrong

its not working can some one check please

7 Replies

Could you provide any sort of details?

There's no way anyone is going to be able to help you without a lot more information.

Hi i followed the following steps … .04-lucid/">

using them i tried to setup the site …

I have installed mysql,php,apache after that i added the domain and as i need wordpress i tried to install using command which was given here -

iWhen i access my site its error i don't know what happen so looking for help

You haven't given us sufficient information to help you… your server is returning a 404, presumably because you've misconfigured Apache.

I told u that i m new .. so i don't what happen … what ever i done i have given that info

Can u look into it if i give access

It worked for me- I got the Worpdress setup dialog. Being a nice guy I didn't go ahead and do anything :).


i have created database, user for it but i forget how to retrieve that

A good front-end for MySQL administration is phpmyadmin. As root throught SSH:

aptitude install phpmyadmin

Then go to and login with your MySQL root user and the password you setup(not SSH root password)

When you are there, got to one of the upper tabs and click on Privileges and look for "Add new user". Fill username, localhost, password and again password. Select to create a database with the same name… it's 2nd option.

Now go to and start installation.


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