[Resolved] Where is th RDNS manager?

It is so late for me maybe I am a bit silly, I cannot find where to change my reverse IP.

Currently my IP points to fqdn.oldsite.com which is tagged along in my e-mail headers invalidating them, I wish now for my new site to appear there.

Where in the settings is this? Is it hidden in some edit menu somewhere? I am not in a total rush so I thought I'd ask here :)

2 Replies

It's under your node's "Remote Access" tab. (There's a little "Reverse DNS" link in the "Public IPs" section.)


It's under your node's "Remote Access" tab. (There's a little "Reverse DNS" link in the "Public IPs" section.)

Ah yes, this makes more sense. Thank you for saving me gray hairs :D


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