How to automatically start servers when rebooting?

Being a new linux user, it was a bit of a surprise that when -after rebooting- no servers were running.

Please can you tell me how to configure servers to start automagically when the machine is rebooted?

Specifically, Apache, proFTPd and MySQL server on Debian, but general advice is good too.


4 Replies

What distro are you using?

Regardless, you should be able to use Webmin – under Servers "Bootup and Shutdown"…

Under Red-Hat, there's a utility "ntsysv"



Thanks for the answer, but I was thinking more of some sort of script like windows 'autoexec.bat'.

I know, I know….I should have said….




Thanks for the answer, but I was thinking more of some sort of script like windows 'autoexec.bat'.

I know, I know….I should have said….


There's an entire series of them /etc/rc.* – google for "debian sysv" or "debian rc scripts"… That's what Webmin edits :-)


There is update-rc.d for debain which allows you to easily add things to the debian rc scripts



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