Postfix refusing my iPad connection

'Lo all…

I have email running great on my Linode, provided I use the squirrelmail I also have running. I can send and receive email there to my heart's content. I can also receive (i.e., read) email on my iPad. The problem comes when I try to send from my iPad - it fails miserably.

I've set mynetworks equal to my ip address of my internet connection here at home - perhaps, though, I've failed in my subnetting - I've added XXX.XXX.0.0/24 in mynetworks, and I can't really remember if that's going to let XXX.XXX.0.0 - XXX.XXX.255.255 through or not.

I'm not quite sure where to start debugging this from, or if anyone has an idea of what I need to be trying next.


2 Replies


I've set mynetworks equal to my ip address of my internet connection here at home - perhaps, though, I've failed in my subnetting - I've added XXX.XXX.0.0/24 in mynetworks, and I can't really remember if that's going to let XXX.XXX.0.0 - XXX.XXX.255.255 through or not. means through

BUT you probably don't trust all those IP addresses.

Using mynetworks for this is not the way this is normally done. You should set up SASL auth on your Postfix to allow authorized clients from foreign IP addresses to send through your server.

That does make a lot more sense and would avoid me having to act like a n00b and change the IP every time. headbonk Especially since dovecot is so easy to incorporate the sasl with postfix. Danke!


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