Recommendations for a script to run an IMAGE HOSTING site?

I'm wanting to set up an image hosting site for a single user. There would be small hundreds of photos stored on the site. File size is 2 to 10 MBytes each. The site would be used as a repository, feeding images a few other web sites via URL reference.

Ease of use for uploading images would be a requirement. Easy of use in respect to the image hosting site providing the appropriate URLs to imbed in other sites would be a requirement.

I've done a Google search for scripts for image hosting and have some ideas.

Are there any Linode users who have a recommendation for a script for me for a hosting site? Either a free script or a paid for script would be fine.

Thanks in advance, Martin.

2 Replies

Have you looked at Gallery 3 with the embedlinks module?

It's really easy to upload lots of photos: … :Uploading">

I know it works great on a Linode 512 plan. I have 2 installs of G3, 2 of G2 and 1 of G1 (that I still need to migrate to a newer version)

The nice thing about G3 is that if you don't set permissions on the albums the images are served as static files and not ran through any sort of file proxy to check permissions. So you get a nice interface to upload photos with and with the embedlinks module easy to grab URLs for pasting into other places.


Thanks for the suggestion. I've taken a quick peek at the web site and it looks interesting. I'll have a closer look at it and perhaps just go ahead and do an install to try it out.

Regards, Martin.


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