Control Panels

What does everyone suggest for a control panel? I was looking at cPanel and Plesk, but those were so expensive.

I was looking for something that had about the same functionality as those two, but not so expensive. It looks as if Webmin is developing something comparable (Usermin and Virtualmin).

C. Braxton


6 Replies

I contacted Jamie Cameron (who wrote Webmin) and inquired about possibly sponsoring Virtualmin. He did provide me a pre-release version of Virtualmin which I'm checking out now – it seems pretty good so far.

Answer a few questions and it configures: Apache's virtual host, (optionally) creates a linux user account, mysql database and account, the bind/named DNS zones, which of course everything is managed through Webmin.

I like it…

Will it be made available to Linode customers?


Will it be made available to Linode customers?

The evaluation copy, or the finished product?

The evaluation copy I'm not suppose to have unless I'm sponsoring those guys, which I'm not yet – so I can't really make it generally available. I would like a few second opinions, though..

The finished version (when and if it comes out) would be released open-source.


Thats the kind of thing that i would like :) any word on when it will actually be released?

waits patiently for his account to become active


Thats the kind of thing that i would like :) any word on when it will actually be released?

waits patiently for his account to become active
It's been available free for download from for quite some time now. Look across the top bar, click on the Virtualmin icon :)


u know i really have to stop forum trollling at nite and actually start looking at dates :)



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