Linode rocks

Yes! You totally rock, and I love you guys! :)

First of all, I don't really know about how's tech support works. Because I never needed them. The service just runs smoothly, no noticeable downtime, etc.

I had to abandon one of the accounts in the past because of financial problems. When I started shopping for a VPS, I've tried a bunch, and I can now tell you with 100% certainty that Linode gives you THE MOST bang per buck.

Things I like:

1. super-fast

2. super-easy control panel

3. super-easy setup

Believe me, Linode IS fast. I had a slicehost account at one time, and accessing it over ssh was pure pain. A linode located at a similar distance from where I am performed much better. The one located closer works even better, and most VPSs don't offer that kind of global distribution, which is another plus.

Anyway, I wish you best of luck, Linode team, and may this be a year of longer-term relationships! :P

Happy new year in 2011 to everyone!

2 Replies

Thanks, happy new year to you too :)!

yes, very nice webhost with excellent support!

I'll right my testimonial soon



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