I noticed about an hour ago, contacted support, this is what we have so far:

I received this email:


Warning: DocumentRoot [/srv/www/] does not exist

Warning: DocumentRoot [/srv/www/] does not exist

It appears that your web server cannot reach your document root. It is possible that someone has gained access to your Linode and removed them. Another possibility is you may have run out of inodes. If you can paste the output of "df -i" into this ticket we can verify if that is the case.

This is output of df -i:

Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on

/dev/xvda 262144 27008 235136 11% /

none 63831 2057 61774 4% /dev

none 63831 1 63830 1% /dev/shm

none 63831 23 63808 1% /var/run

none 63831 2 63829 1% /var/lock

none 63831 1 63830 1% /lib/init/rw

It does not appear that you have exhausted your available inodes based on your df -i output. Are you able to navigate and view the listed directories?

Yes, I can navigate and see all my files and directories!

Just to note, the email that I received, I have neved received it before, I know what cron job is, but I never used it.

One more important thing: the two domains that are mentioned in email ( test subdomains) I deleted them few days ago, could it be that this is related to this? My sites were working just fine after I deleted this subdomains. I see now that my sites are not working for 10 hours ( I deleted thos test sites few days ago. I have 10 different sites not working :(

Have you restarted your webserver since removing these files?

I just reloaded my linode.

Also, I restarted Apache.

Nothing :(

Anybody, anything?

5 Replies

Did you delete the virtualhosts for those test sites?

Those warnings may not be related to the actual issue. Warnings tend to be "hey you should fix this at some point", whereas errors are "HAHA YOUR STUFF NO WORK"


Did you delete the virtualhosts for those test sites?

No, how do I do that? In


I just deleted two files related to those test subdomains, is that all I have to do?

Be sure to remove the links in site-enabled as well if they're there.

You'll need to restart Apache for the change to take effect.

I removed those links also, restarted apache, but still nothing :(

SOLVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)))))

JshWright, I reloaded my Linode again, after I deleted all those links, and after I reloaded apache, and now it works :) thanks a lot !!


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