moving from cpanel vps to linode, ispconfig+nginx?

Folks, I have been with a different VPS host for years and they have cpanel vps optimized preinstalled (not a choice to not get it). One of the reasons why I spun up a linode was to cut down on resource usage.

However, I still need a control panel as I host some sites for users (pro bono) who barely manage to find the power on switch on their machines but would like the ability to add an email address or FTP login to their site.

I am no Linux hotshot either though I have a basic understanding and enough CLI knowledge to get the system into trouble.

I am running Centos 5.5 32-bit and am looking at a low resource control panel option. ISPConfig seemed to fit the bill but the tutorial posted here on linode uses Apache in its example: … /fedora-13">

Google results in information overload. Does anyone have experience with running ISPConfig with nginx? Good idea? Bad idea? Any other thoughts on the subject?

Thanks in advance!

3 Replies

For an inexperienced user apache is easier to work with, theres a lot more information out there about it, software like wordpress/drupal etc works with it out of the box etc, so unless you have a good reason to use nginx I'd stick with apache.

Thanks for the suggestion. I looked into it for a bit and while I did want to lower the resource usage by running nginx I do agree that it's not worth doing for me at this point.

Once you get apache up and running search the forum, there's tons of posts on tweaking it.


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