system memory hogged by multiple OS's running on machine?

I'm wondering if all those instances of Linux (virtual or otherwise) running on one machine will hog up all the memory, leaving nothing for apps, etc.?

3 Replies

Hello OrionXV,

Each Linode's memory is allocated on the physical host - so there is no "sharing" or no way that the memory for your Linode will ever "swap out" on the host.

We don't over-commit the resources on our machines, including RAM.

Linodes work like a real physical Linux machine - if you have a Linode 64, you've got 64 MBs of real ram to work with - so your applications that run would take away from that.

Hope I answered your question!


Thanks for your quick reply.

But doesn't my instance of Linux also use up some of my alloted memory? So if i have a linode 64, i will have 64 - x MB availabe for apps, where x = the amount used by my OS. ??


Thanks for your quick reply.

But doesn't my instance of Linux also use up some of my alloted memory? So if i have a linode 64, i will have 64 - x MB availabe for apps, where x = the amount used by my OS. ??
The Linux kernel, itself uses about 4MB of memory which it reserves. This is just like a physical Linux machine.




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