Setting up server: rvm and thin on nginx

How do I setup my server with rvm and thin running on nginx?

I've been trying to piece together information from a bunch of different articles, but I always run into problems. This is a learning experience, for now, but I'll eventually be running rails in production on this server, so I want to get it right (and also understand it).

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 right now.

I setup a separate user, put them in the sudoer file, install rvm and its dependencies, install gems: rails, rake, bundler, and thin. Following this, I'm supposed to run

$ sudo thin install

I can't run sudo thin install. I get command not found. rvm and gems don't work either– which I'm assuming is because I'm running it as root, and these commands are only available in my local environment.

If I run just

thin install

I don't have the permissions to access /etc/init.d

Could someone explain what I need to do to set this up correctly? I'm considering not using rvm, but I would still like to understand it. I need thin because I'll be using eventmachine.


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